Your Full Service: Vehicle Wrap, Custom Sign and Apparel Experts.

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ESPN Waste Bins Get Custom Vinyl Wraps, Los Angeles CA

Fitting nicely into the “yes, we wrap anything” category are these eye-catching waste bins recently wrapped for ESPN. 

Wrapping unique or custom items such as instruments, hockey sticks, and even waste bins isn’t really much different than wrapping a car. The biggest difference is that instead of using a template for a vehicle that is readily available, our design team needs to build a template from scratch for the trash cans using exact measurements. Once the template is built, the design process can start just the way it would for a vehicle wrap. 

ESPN shipped us the unwrapped trash bins. Our art department took measurements and created templates which we then sent to ESPN so that they could add their designs to the templates. Once we had the designs, we converted them into large format print files and printed them onto the same vinyl wrap material that we use for our vehicle wraps. The material was then laminated to protect the prints against scratching and to aid in the installation process. 

The final wrapped bins – 5 in all, each in a different design, were then loaded back on to pallets and shipped back to the client. 

Got an interesting item you’d like to wrap? We’ve wrapped all kinds of things from accordions to hovercraft and more!

Give us a call at 562-424-4353 to talk about your project today!

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